Sunday, June 21, 2015


As if things were not already outrageous enough, the advice in the LETTER  which the judge supported is not just legally wrong but it did not even explain how to do that technically.  The summonses were supposed to be filled by the Pro Se Intake Unit itself according to the court's own instructions as stated here:
"As a pro se litigant, you may pay the filing fee and deliver the complaint to the Pro Se Office in person. In this situation, you must also submit a complete civil cover sheet and summons. For cases submitted to the Pro Se Intake Unit by mail (whether the fee is paid or a fee waiver is requested) or cases delivered to the Pro Se Intake Unit in person in which a fee waiver is requested, the Pro Se Intake Unit will complete both documents."
In my situation, where they were required to fill the summonses themselves because I mailed my complaint, they not only did not fill the place directing the summonses to the defendants with the names of those defendants but, as can be seen in the "To" section of those SUMMONSES, they did not even leave it empty for me to fill that myself even if I wanted to accept the legal risk of changing a summons after being issued. They printed the instruction itself ("(Defendant's name and address)") in that space.
In addition,how can one sealed summons be returned with proof of service for multiple defendants?   

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