Wednesday, July 6, 2016


continuing from the post below
If you hire somebody to contact another person by phone and he does not leave a voice mail despite that his phone calls were not picked up, would you pay him for that because you think he deserves payment for it? Especially for this guy, do you think that what made the judges of the court deny my petition to begin with was that he only told them that I do not pick up his calls or also that I do not respond to his voice mails? So how much that would cause counting on him to perform at the same level he was complaining about? And remember the calling guy here did not leave a voice mail because he wanted not to leave a voice mail and not because he wished to complete the task of a phone contact but failed because he , for example, forgot or was too lazy.

As for what I described as essential dependency for the two weeks or so of the phone calls on my cell phone before I changed my number, I am far from believing that not receiving them would have made me initiate an offer for the guy or declare abandonment for my case .    


Tuesday, July 5, 2016


continuing from the post below.
I just noticed this. This is in addition to all other things. A big part of my essential dependency on the phone calls this guy was making after the denial of my petition happened later and was based on the continuation of those calls. But when I checked all the voice mails on my land line and all the voice mails all the way back to when I changed my phone number about two weeks after the denial of my petition on my cell phone, I found no voice mail stating anything about the matter. So even if the guy was following what he was being told in doing something he was not required to do, how much credit does he deserve given his intentional nonperformance of what could be as an essential requirement in executing what he was told to do as leaving a voice mail for his calls? In other words, regardless of how much I benefited from his actions, if he didn't do what he was told to do, how much credit does he deserve for it? 
There is absolutely no way somebody not connected to him was making all those calls to my cell phone. 
Even assuming he left serious message about the matter on my cell phone during the first two weeks before I changed the number, it is the continuity of the calls that sufficiently suggested to me that those calls are not part of conciliatory compensation the reason at least partly for which I changed my phone number as a response.      

Saturday, July 2, 2016


Did I feel an essential dependency on something I heard from one of the Judges of the court to continue my case and stay on my position? The answer to that is no. 
Giving up on my case before going all the way to the end doesn't even have a word in my dictionary. 
But did I feel an essential dependency on the phone calls I received after denying my petition to continue my case and stay on my position? The answer to that is yes.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016


Since I wrote the post below I have been feeling uncomfortable about the understatement in using "taken on its face" there. Not only the denial of a petition is much stronger as evidence that a case has ended, it itself the end of a case. However, "on its face" there meant that I took the intention of the court according to that claim.   

Saturday, May 14, 2016


One thing about denying a petition which could have appeared in terms of intensity may also be understood as a different thing. I am referring to how unlike all other things the court could have done, denying a petition, taken on its face, indicates the end of the case and therefore the time to render judgment about the process. 

Friday, March 25, 2016


One thing in which I feel very confident and strongly about is that I would have behaved no differently with or without whatever sign came from the court. At no time not seeking the final point was considered even a little bit and the behaviour of the guy was never anywhere close to encouraging abandoning that path.

Thursday, March 17, 2016


Despite that I did not choose this path, I don't feel easy about taking away an extremely scares resource like this court from so many others in need for it and may not even dream about getting its attention. That is at least one of the reasons for what I wrote about time here so that it feel easier to make this case stay in the background away from affecting the work of the court.    

Wednesday, March 16, 2016


continuing from the preceding post
Let me expand that even further and say I accept to be included in the game any claim about the judges of the court and emphasize again that could be coming from part or all of the judges themselves or any other entity.

[(Added March 22, 2016) The  above part is about claims where, according to the claim, I am not required to make a choice the consequences of it may directly affect anyone other than the original adversary parties. That means one cannot, for example, make, as part of the game, a fake hostage situation demanding that I change my position] 

Saturday, March 5, 2016


Continuing from post 295
On a second thought, instead of just claims related to stating that the judges of the court being equally divided, I am extending my acceptance for the game to include all claims about all levels of inclination. 

Thursday, March 3, 2016


Continuing from post 293
It felt surprisingly unfair that despite all what I have shown earlier in my behaviour, it looked like it was understood to be much more of working on the likelihood of success and much less of simply revolting. And this came in a place where some may claim that the popularity of an actor prevented them from attempting to come out with their big allegations against him. What is next? Yao Ming fails a job test in China because he is not tall enough?
Aside from being counted on me as if they were direct communications, I also never expected that not taking as more than readiness to look at the case and making the court accessible, whatever signs judges in the court probably shown, to be counted on me as a bad thing. That is especially true for people holding positions involving thinking like there and their familiarity with how much thinking could pass through various stages before making a decision or reaching certainty. 
But even before all of that, it is hard to see how some may struggle with not generalizing on others here the actions of some they may not have ever known or probably even been in the same country before but it was supposed to be easy for me to count on people in the same system coming from the same profession despite all that which happened to me earlier. 

Monday, February 29, 2016


continuing from the preceding post

In other words, for as much as its effect on me is the measure, claiming untrue things about those matters I mentioned doesn't count against the person making those claims, no matter who that person is. That is because, aside from how good or bad the intention would later appear, I am allowing this to be on me like a game where the other side doesn't have to restrict itself to the facts. 

As an analogy, I am trying to make this similar to that game played on the Tonight Show where two opposing sides have to guess the truth from fabrication in the claims of each other. No participant is considered to have done any bad or undignified thing for stating untrue things there. The only difference here is that permission is given, by choice, to only one side instead of both .      

Sunday, February 28, 2016


This applies to everybody without any exception. Any claim, direct or indirect, made or will be made until this settles, about the alleged death of Justice Scalia and/or how the court is equally divided on my case, is to me like watching a movie in how it does not affect any right I have regardless of its being true or false and the purpose.  

Saturday, February 27, 2016


By the way, while I believe the guy has a duty to carry his responsibility regardless of what he may have claimed to the court on me, I have noticed recently that I left with the court what suggests the contrary to such claims. If I was in so much confidence about what the court will do, why did I need to write such a relatively long PETITION and for clear things like those I was complaining about? Instead, the petition was not merely showing pointing out the obvious but also trying to explain it. That behaviour, strengthened even more by facing the denying behaviour of the lower courts, suggests a state of being worried of also facing another denying behaviour from this court. My petition was like that of, for example, someone complaining about being counted as a fish instead of a person. But instead of leaving it at that he goes on to list the difference in shape and how a fish cannot breathe outside the water and other differences between the two for a thing as direct as that of recognizing a human from a fish.

Friday, February 26, 2016


Continuing from the preceding post

Second, take this scenario. The corruption guy made the judges inside the court agree that I need to have my faith or certainty in the outcome of my lawsuit be reduced. Then they agreed to deny my petition. Now, doesn't this suggest that originally the contract was to achieve the purpose described above and that the denial of my petition became part of the contract only as the implementation form to achieve that purpose? If so, then wouldn't realizing, through my reaction , that the intended result is there pushes outside the contract all remaining things that were in the implementation part ?     

Thursday, February 25, 2016


Continuing from post 289
First, a correction or clarification to what I said in post 289. The difficulty or ease in seeing a breach of contract there may very much depends on how long or until what event the denial of my petition was supposed to look to me as I described there. 


This time I prepared myself much better financially.  

Tuesday, February 23, 2016


Continuing from post 288

I intend to dedicate and concentrate more thinking on that issue.


The beauty of a contract is that it makes one rule on himself and thereby help make a ruling person avoid that very hard measuring of things involved with tort ruling in order not to cross into an unjust outcome. Here, however, if the original contract with the corruption guy was that I should have taken the denial of my petition as a real thing with no arrangement behind it like any other denial then it is hard to see how making the corruption guy call my phone(s) starting that early and then continue with that intensity and timing after it (despite that it was done for me) was not at least on its face a breach for that contract. On the other hand that may need to be balanced against misleading and fraudulent representations from the guy about himself and me in relation to the matter.  
It is even harder to see how the first thing mentioned above could be corrected by a similar process given the difference of how much I see a connection for arranging things now.

Friday, February 19, 2016


It is hard for me to imagine what would make me change my position here. It is even harder to imagine a change to something that does not also passes through the judges of the court.
I also find it hard to see how having part or all of the judges being new would change me. As for not deciding anything until after having no vacancy left, I don't even know if such thing would make me start counting the time later.


It is very important to me and of high priority that a settlement I receive does not leave the judges of this court feeling they left a standing argument against them.
No, I am not in love with the court. I am just trying to account for the good like I accounted for the bad especially given that without that good they wouldn't have felt the need to do that bad.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016


I use the expression "the judges of this court" instead of just "the court" because we are not talking about formal issuance of orders here or at least not limited to that. Otherwise that expression means exactly the same thing as the shorter version following it above. 

Monday, February 1, 2016


Because the argument for taking the time issue as if the case was not denied occurred to me only later, I put time limit in my offer to prevent leaving that open for game playing.

Saturday, January 30, 2016


Saying "if they go more into my side" in post 278 was not intended to suggest being close to that. Instead it was intended to provide additional cushioning against the burden of worrying about crossing that line. Otherwise, even with the Appellate Court I did not talk about when will the final ruling come out. 

Thursday, January 28, 2016


I want to bring to attention that in the story of my other case in New York's Court (Viking System's Stock), where a significant portion of the trading volume was real, many people probably lost and did not recover their out of pocket investment cost, let alone any upward potential, because of the same issue I complained about of having shares incorrectly counted as existing in the system and the effect of that on the trading and price. 

Monday, January 25, 2016


And post 278, related to time, also apply regardless of the reason for which they take the time.
[(Added 1/28/2016) of course "they" above refers to the judges of this (The Supreme) court] 

Friday, January 22, 2016


Because I wrote things earlier that could be confusing, I want to point out that post # 279 would still apply regardless of the reason for which the decision of the judges of this court may come in accordance with it. Moreover, the judges of this court can  specify if that decision also includes settling my other case in New York or they can take the decision here into consideration when deciding on a petition from me regarding that case if I file one later. 

[(Added February 6 2016) "may come" in "..may come in accordance with it" above should change to just "comes"]

Sunday, January 17, 2016


I probably will not let go of myself until I do what I originally was thinking about doing. Therefor post # 273 and post # 274 are replaced by this:

The decision of the judges of this court on cancelling part or all of one-half (1/2) of the amount in the offer I made in post #250 or diverting it to any entity or purpose other than me would be in its effect on me exactly the same as if I made that choice myself , except that this paragraph shall not force any prearrangement or agreement related to this guy on them.

[(Added 1/25/2016) the "me" in "..effect on me exactly.." should be replaced with: "any right I have including any right that was given to me"]

Thursday, January 14, 2016


Although I could have written what suggests questioning that in the past, in case judges of this court need the time to satisfy or be more sure that they satisfy a contractual obligation here, I am not sleeping holding the calendar.  Until I state otherwise,  I am not holding them morally responsible if they go more into my side in that regard except that this paragraph shall not force any prearrangement or agreement related to this guy on them.

[Added February 10 2016. "holding" above should be replaced with "starting the time counting for holding"]   

Tuesday, January 12, 2016


If you think my position toward the judges of this court sounds too confusing, you may be right. But it is not my fault. On one hand I think they communicated and arranged things with one side and not the other and denied my petition. On the other, as it later became clearer, it appears that inside they did not really just ignore my petition and were merely trying to make this guy do some consolatory compensating. So the question then became why did not they choose the better looking path of returning the case to the lower courts to be corrected on the original merits only? That strongly added to that they saw how the lower courts acted and handled the case as a big thing, and probably much more than what the sign I was looking for in accepting or just rescheduling the decision on my petition would have provided me, so they did not accept it passing without accountability on it.  
How often have you seen somebody feeling a need to act immorally in order to serve his morality like this? Such a conflicting path and for people like those would not have occurred to me to count a probability for it in a million years. But again I think that is the magic of what I point to as the identity complex here. However, at least the level of self oversight in that regard appears to have significantly improved from the decision on the American Japanese people during second world war.   

[(Added 1/13/16) clearly "American Japanese"  was supposed to be  "Japanese American"]


"keeping or cancelling" in post 273 meant keeping in the offer or cancelling from the offer.

Also, the "amount" in "diverting all or some of that amount" in post 273 refers to the percentage amount not the original one.

Monday, January 11, 2016


Continuing from the post below, in case it still needs an explanation, what I was saying is that if the judges of this court feel pressured or squeezed because of a moral stand to make me have the final say in setting the amount for settling this, then, at least for the percentage I specified in the post below of the offer in post 250, my final word is for them to have the final word.


Sunday, January 10, 2016


One a second thought and based on a number that sounded more like being put by that guy, the one-fourth (1/4) in post 273 below is replaced by 34 percent.
Notice that when what someone puts on himself comes from a moral obligation toward me then the preference I stated in the post below reverses and that is why I am trying to return to this court at least part of whatever power they gave me here. 
I was actually thinking about returning the power on 50 percent of the offer I made in post 250 like I did here but I was also afraid that the guy would claim a victory including one in postponing and not following them in telling him to execute the offer had they done that.    

Saturday, January 9, 2016


It sounds like this guy is using, again, lottery news to signal his readiness to accept some settlement amounts he was showing. I always prefer to restrict myself to what he put on himself.
Based on that, the decision of the judges of this court on keeping or cancelling all or some of one-fourth (1/4) of the amount in the most recent offer I made (post # 250) or diverting all or some of that amount to any entity or purpose other than me would be in its effect on me exactly the same as if I made that choice myself , except that this paragraph shall not force any prearrangement or agreement related to this guy on them.