Wednesday, August 12, 2015


Continuing from #241, just in case the corruption guy says otherwise, he, directly or indirectly, was making those phone calls on both my land line and my cellular phones. He was intentionally leaving voice mails that had no content related to this matter just to make it appear that he did or probably did leave a related voice mail. There is no one who could have kept calling my cellphone except him. Those calls numerous times, also, in no way that could be seen coincidental, appeared to have been timed to ring while I have my phone with me outside. No one has such power to track me except him. In addition, I changed the cellphone number probably around two weeks or less after the denial of my petition on 5/18/15. So there is no way that it could have become known to anyone else especially given how within a short time after changing the number calls started ringing again. The earlier cellphone number he was calling was also a changed number from before or at the beginning of September 2014 after I discarded my 2010 model cellphone. Also, if he continued to call the number from which I made this recent change, shouldn't he have received a message telling him that it is no longer in service? Or was it that there was a sudden shortage of cellphone numbers and that my number, very shortly after I left it, was given to another person who kept reacting the same way I did to phone calls from this guy?
However I did delete those voice mails belonging to the period of the previous cellphone number after I changed to this most recent one without hearing them.
As for cellphone text messages, except for possibly those from my carrier,  I don't remember I ever deleted one of them without reading it. 

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