Saturday, November 7, 2015


I think that the time from 23 august when I made that last offer to this day involved multiple extensions. My  guess about how that went on is that the guy initially took the first extension in  exchange for the 30 days for executing the offer I mentioned in it. He then used that time to work on dragging those inside beyond what they initially accepted to go to get further extensions later, which is a behaviour pattern of his I talked about before, by changing their view  about his reaction to the preceding offer that gave him the choice .
Also, if there are multiple extensions, do you think that he really intended to comply with them but kept changing his mind in this shallow way? Frankly speaking I hesitated to answer that and ignored it until I remembered how, when I suddenly decided to answer his messages, I did not find him taking the risk of really leaving a single related message which shows the depth of his handling to the matter. 

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