Saturday, November 7, 2015


I think that the time from 23 august when I made that last offer to this day involved multiple extensions. My  guess about how that went on is that the guy initially took the first extension in  exchange for the 30 days for executing the offer I mentioned in it. He then used that time to work on dragging those inside beyond what they initially accepted to go to get further extensions later, which is a behaviour pattern of his I talked about before, by changing their view  about his reaction to the preceding offer that gave him the choice .
Also, if there are multiple extensions, do you think that he really intended to comply with them but kept changing his mind in this shallow way? Frankly speaking I hesitated to answer that and ignored it until I remembered how, when I suddenly decided to answer his messages, I did not find him taking the risk of really leaving a single related message which shows the depth of his handling to the matter. 

Friday, November 6, 2015


Notice that I did not change the word "corrupt" to "chaos" in the title of this blog because I changed from what I wrote earlier. But I wanted to use a more comprehensive description that also include a significant part that seems to be undertaken because of moral reasons. I had no such issue with the lower courts since the difference between what they did and what they could have done was nowhere like here.

Sunday, November 1, 2015


Like I said before, this guy was never left alone to his actions like the ordinary person would have been even with much less of what this one did and continued to do. The ordinary person would have been much more left told those are your actions and you are responsible for them and only if he shows some significant sincerity in trying to correct and change path from what he did a new path could open. On the other hand, a new path was much more easily opened for this guy . Then, also like I said before, even with this path he did not show what is anywhere to being sufficient efforts indicating that no negotiation door was opened to him before taking this court on the path he took it with him. Yesterday, in addition to that, I noticed how his insistence and not giving up on the plans and games he plays in front of those inside this court may actively show the difference between when he really wants to do something from when he plays around and use it as an excuse.