Friday, July 31, 2015


Yesterday, while I was reflecting on how this guy find his way creating something from nothing by bringing what seems totally unrelated and sneak it into the equation of the issue, I suddenly realized how that was conveyed in an expression I used to hear where I came from but never understood how it fits its purpose. The expression states that someone "digs a well with a needle" and despite how it may seem to be about perseverance and dedication, its use comes with expressing somebody as having a very wicked and deceptive personality. 


Like I said earlier, if this court has that special connection to this guy, as it seems to be an unavoidable conclusion here, then it has even less excuse to corruptly support him afterwards the way they did here. That is because it could have instead used that connection to warren and emphasize more to him the seriousness of the situation beforehand.  


Like how adults may warren children when they are about to leave home for a while to protect them from going with evil persons, I probably needed to put more effort to protect those "justices" from having their minds taken on a molestation path by this guy. The problem, however, is that I did not expect them to be accessible to the guy the way he appears to be permitted.  

Thursday, July 30, 2015


While referring to the story of the Viking Systems stock recently, I remembered, like he did with this court, the astonishing way he appeared to have manipulated those inside that company to take his side against me despite what he did to their own stock.  


In addition, although I spoke earlier about the level of audacity and disregard to the system involved in doing what was done in this case despite how I made things public and even emailed the senate, before this filing of the case, about strong enough suspicions to make me dismiss my first filing of the case (Did not know at the time it is a system problem much more than it is an individual problem), there is another related argument based on the same set of facts targeting those who are standing with this guy and his group now. With their knowing about the case, wasn't there enough time for them to take away this guy and those with him from the path they followed or give sufficient warnings not to do what they did, instead of choosing to give their support afterwards as if things came out of the blue to them? 


He may also defraud people for things not related to the market but his action inside the market is like a 24 hours multi output concurrent processing volume defrauding machine. 
For example, while I complain in my other case, about Viking Systems stock, that his actions caused me to unjustly lose the value my investment reached and probably was on the path of reaching, other people lost the capital they invested because of his game. Some even probably bought the stock at around a dollar a share and ultimately even if they held to to the end they got years later was only 27 cents a share when this guy finished his game by buying the company.  


In addition, that self subjugation is reserved for the serves of only the guy who defrauds people, in volume, left and right in the market. 

Wednesday, July 29, 2015


All this support is for a guy who, from the start and continued, generally did not even need to do the outrageous things he did or induced others to do and was playing things from his high position.

Who would have thought that he would see a slavery like this where there is a choice?   

Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Looking at the actions of the media with these conspiracies, could the shortage of independent news sources with integrity be any bigger? It is a disaster.      

Monday, July 27, 2015


At least leave something for the movies. How am I supposed to be exited watching a movie about, for example, bad guys conspiring with the cops of the city when I myself live in such a nationwide publicly participated and tolerated conspiracies like this? 


Moral values aside, how about the laws? When it was about lower courts I wondered first why would I need to go to the "Supreme Court" first. However, after reading the related part of the constitution more carefully I realized that it, like congress, seems to also have the power to remove lower federal court judges applying the good Behaviour requirement. That is because that requirement on the judiciary itself is part of the constitution and this court has the jurisdiction over everything "arising under this Constitution". So one could see the economical point in preferring that as an alternative to actions from congress while the later remains exercising direct responsibility in applying that requirement on this court. 
But what point there in congress's seeing all this potentially illegal activities and not reacting to that. Even if we assume that there could be some give and take regarding reacting to an issue like that of disrespecting or interfering with the business of federal courts to the level of singling out my brief for delivering to an appellate court at 10:30 in the night, how about all those claims and games coming from the FBI? Does those in congress really have no doubts in all those claims or is it just that they don't care about violating the law by an entity like that? Isn't this supposed to be a nation of laws? When was that replaced with being a nation of jokes?



Again, conspiracy here seems to serve the purpose of identity, or self defining through isolation of another entity. I still continue to experience how it seems that all you need here is just to bring an opportunity for identity creation and you would hardly be able to find where moral values do not evaporate for no reason.

This is to help see better the somewhat deeper reason behind the actions. Otherwise, I don't need this kind of talk here. The actions and positions taken are bad and outrageous on their face. 

Sunday, July 26, 2015


Although this still wouldn't occupy the front page as the main conspiracy in my life, I never thought that one day somebody would conspire with a NATION against me.


I mistakenly mentioned  "head of house committee on foreign relations" in POST 197 instead of the head of the house committee on homeland security.

Saturday, July 25, 2015


Was there any other nation in the entire history of humanity which had done a public conspiracy like here? Like I said before, look , again, at how that identity complex is motivating the crossing of moral lines and the toleration of that.  

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


The alleged attacker in that city first only fire bullets from the outside in one place then supposedly went to another place to do his killing. I wonder if that was a militant or a Hollywood actor promoting a show with a preview?  

Tuesday, July 21, 2015


The guy take the senators, judges and "justices" in sets. Remember the last time you obtained u.s senators individually how much your decor was messed up when they mismatched?   


Forget about corruption. I demand application of antitrust laws so that this corruption guy take some instead of everybody with him.

Monday, July 20, 2015


The identity complex seems to have made corruption here not even buy one get one free but buy one get the whole package free.


Look at the showing of effect and control the corruption guy made by taking with him not just what is sufficient for the task,  but almost every authority connected to the alleged matter there at the city, state and federal levels.
Elsewhere corruption happen through one or two entities. But corruption here is so strong that it sounds like it needs to be regulated by being taxed entity wise so that the like of this guy leaves something for the less fortunate.  


Seems that we have another big corruption show here.


The corrupt two senators from Tennessee
The corrupt governor of Tennessee
The corrupt mayor of Chattanooga
The corrupt head of house committee on foreign relations.
The corrupt FBI director
The corrupt local FBI director
The corrupt representative from Chattanooga in the house
The corrupt president of the United States

Executive Producers:

The corrupt FBI director
The corrupt local FBI director

Directed by:

This corruption guy

((Added 7/26/2015) I mistakenly mentioned  "head of house committee on foreign relations" here instead of the head of the house committee on homeland security). 


Even without the issue of a publicly tolerated and participated conspiracy, no one, especially those in the government would allow the system to be made a joke if he has respect for himself or the system.

Sunday, July 19, 2015


I had already suspected that conspiracy on me is accepted and tolerated publicly. Look at how far down that identity complex seems to have dragged this nation.     


I remember as if I had previously heard the name of one of the persons alleged to be killed in this alleged attack reported on the local news to be killed in action in Afghanistan or Iraq.   


And if that was coincidence, add it to the other "coincidences"  that seem to happen also with that branch of the FBI and can hardly not sound fabricated.


Look at POST 179. Was it coincidence that alleged attack happened two days later? Or was it that the corruption guy, with the help of this FBI director, wanted to show me his power? He always like to come to me through what I believe or suspect to be true. There are other signs in reporting the thing and the thing itself and even the performance of those who sounded like bad aspiring actors. 
For example, why would the attacker first show himself attacking by firing from outside then drive to do his killing at another place? That strongly fit with what I am saying here and that it was intended for showing. That is also seems to be emphasized by all what sounded like an attempt to take advantage of that through eye witnesses and the concentration of reporting from there despite that the alleged killing happened at the other location. 
But this unavoidable theory, despite all the signs on its side and how things sounded like a very badly arranged and acted movie, still cannot answer how the alleged death of four person happened. Did the corruption here, including the toleration of corruption, had reached the level of even accepting fabrication in such issue?
Still the effect of the inability to answer how those deaths happened could be offset a little bit considering the objective of the corruption guy being showing how he can pull things in the government. Also, first the names of the four persons were not revealed and even an answer to a question regarding that did not indicate an intention to reveal this information in the near future. Then suddenly the next day that information started to be announced. That could suggest an arrangement of things that it was not clear how long it would take or an inclination to play the game without going into this details at the beginning which also provide additional support to the purpose I mentioned above about making a public attack in a public place first then the alleged killing somewhere else. Even the release of those names was started by the release of one name first as if someone was doing some task and feeding whatever he can create to the outside as soon as possible to avoid suspicion. Finally, an additional time needed to make that arrangement or the attempt to play a game without it first, fits with how the alleged attack happened shortly after the post to which I referred at the beginning.
Of course it could be just a coincidence or someone taking advantage of a coincidence. But I wanted to show that I am not basing things on air here. I certainly have more than enough of what show me the connections of this guy and what he can pull. 


It is unbelievable. Corruption has its effect here similar to how one would expect everybody to be on the dictator's side in a dictatorship because there is no choice.  


What kind of sewer is this? Because I continue to see only RATS.

Saturday, July 18, 2015


Aside from others, did the corruption guy convince not one but both senators of that state to participate with him in his game? Are those the people who would rule on what their supreme court had done to me even if I assume I was able to make the house agree on initiating an impeachment process?


Did this recent attack on military recruitment station really happen? Do those in congress really believe it happened or do they, as they probably were with the Sony hacking story, know it is fake but tolerate the corruption?
Hard to see how could anyone be without at least significant   suspicion about these incidents?    

Friday, July 17, 2015


The same court of that level of refusing and being ready to refuse cases regardless of the level of injury unless there is a special reason, couldn't find it in itself to tell this corruption guy you are on your own for what you clearly chose to do.

Thursday, July 16, 2015


Continuing from the post below
I spoke previously about this guy confusing control with dignity and this situation provides a strong support for that. He kept tolerating not receiving a response from one communication method on which he insisted without trying the other communication ways, sacrificing dignity for the sake of wining.


Continuing from the post below
The first of those two probabilities can be served this way while the second can only be served in this way. In addition, the guy did not get to this stage directly. Instead he reached it while creating friction supporting the second possibility along the way. He may slap a person with one hand then go complaining about that person refusing to shake his other hand. Like I said earlier, I would be surprised if he is sufficiently honest even with those allowing him to ride them.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015


The game of phone calls played by this corruption guy seems to give a special illustration to his level of deception and manipulation. In addition to the pretending of trying to do something more than he really wants to do it which I spoke about previously, there seem to be another kind that serves like an illustration from another dimension. That is because if one looks closely he may find that while it may not be hard to give other examples of pretending something different from what is inside, it is much harder to do the same with manipulating others even at the level of trying to understand what is that which is being pretended. He kept communicating for, supposedly, negotiation and settling while insisting on only his choice of communication method. So even at the level of his pretending, it was not clear what is that he wanted to reach the other side as being his intention, inviting for a negotiation or a power challenge. 


Even for the mere accessibility of this guy to the court, somebody should have told this "Supreme Court" that beyond the formal means of accessing the court, it was not suppose to access or allow itself to be accessed by one party through means that are not available for the public view. 


As if tolerating that the lower courts have a relationship with this guy capable of inducing actions,regardless of the kind of actions that were induced,  is not bad enough in itself for the highest court. But why would that bother it if it was itself accessible to the guy in the same way?   

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


Even if one assumes it is a good excuse, I wonder what in the character of this guy and its behaviour could have distracted those nine at the highest court of the country from the merits of the case and all the outrageousness in it?     


Corruption has control and take effect publicly in this country to the level that it looks as if it was a forth government branch mandated by the constitution.

Monday, July 13, 2015


I wrote against approving this director for the position and we did not need to wait long to see from him what supports my view. Although the former director could be criticized for other things, did he ever make such a suspicious claim like that of who is behind the cyber "attack" on Sony?
There are other corruption games that seems to be played by the FBI under this director. Although he seems to have later delegated the responsibility to a more local level.


The level of publicly tolerating corruption here is unbelievable. One of the examples for that is how the FBI director made claims that are ridiculous and sound fabricated on their face in front of everybody and those in congress did not bother themselves to question him about that and based on their behaviour one can hardly expect them to have arranged for real investigation of the matter. However, I don't know if that is part of the general corruption of the system or if it was also part of a wide game playing tempted by the desire to establish identity using someone different as a target.    


The system where the law is applied this discriminately between those with power and privilege versus the week unprivileged is not worthy of any respect. 

Saturday, July 11, 2015


Contrast the reaction to the outrageous actions of this guy and those with him despite all what I did trying to make him realize his actions being seen with how that TV show called Bait Car shows us what could happen to the unprivileged person despite intentionally trying to make him see an opportunity to do the bad thing without being discovered. There the guy slips once and that is it. There is no going back. Here, as if in different universe, this guy and those with him freely skate and slide over everything while knowing they are seen publicly 


And one also needs to keep in mind how all that which this guy and those with him did inside and outside the judiciary system happened despite how publicly I went with the case and complained about what is going on and what could happen. So it is not like I wanted to trap this guy to do what he did or even remained passive to that. On the contrary, I posted extensively on public mediums telling the outside about what is going on in order to stop and prevent further outrageous and unjust behaviour. And this started even before this filing of the case which is actually, as I mentioned before, a second filing. I made a filing for the same case about half a year earlier but after I noticed that things sounded like he was preparing things from inside that court I decided to use my right for one time voluntary dismissal without prejudice and dismissed my case a week later hoping for a less potentially unjust court the  second time. I wrote to the senate (specifically the committee on judiciary) about that a month before this filing of the case. Then, I wrote to them again after I filed the case and the district court made the first two orders truncating the service time and the misleading one. He knew about all that. Nevertheless, neither he nor those with him cared enough to abstain from doing what they did.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015


And the judiciary was itself sought as a solution to the outrageous lack of prosecution and, in fact, support by executive entities toward the like of this guy. Even aside from other things he has done, the fact that he was able to make the U.S. post office singles out my brief to be delivered to that appeal court at 10:30 in the night by itself shows the level of immunity from prosecution this guy has.    
The whole country is a joke in that regard and this final court refused but to extend that joke to itself.   

Tuesday, July 7, 2015


No matter what intention one may assume behind the action of those nine, and aside from how that could have been built on incorrect and unjust ground, there is nothing that should have higher priority to them than establishing and showing the integrity of the judiciary system.
There is much less reason for anyone who cannot bear such responsibility to be in that court than it is for someone to be a top chef in a kitchen he cannot take its heat.      

Sunday, July 5, 2015


This was the reaction of the highest court to what is directly on its face one can hardly, if at all, find something even close to it in reprehensibility and outrageousness in the judiciary here.